What Players Say:

“The Lemurian Journey game completely surprised me. Instead of it being a competitive pastime, it was a deeply inspiring transformational experience that left me feeling evolved and connected to the cosmos.”
Donna M.

“I was chosen as a tester. I was delighted to experience the game, but all the sensory input I received during the state of play was just astounding. Not only did every move urge me to notice the exquisite colors, but also magical imagery of beautiful waters, rainbows, clouds, plants, animals, crystals, dolphins, whales. This is one of the best assignments I ever had. By the time I finished the game, I was filled with inspiration for new creative efforts. The game is a muse of the highest order.”
Rebecca B.

“I have never seen anything like this game before. It is not a competitive, killing, type of game. But it is a fantasy. It’s just that each step brings a player closer to love than any process I have experienced. Better than any transformational therapy a person could experience. This game teaches, heals, uplifts, inspires, delights, and awakens.”
Jessica C.

“I love all the game pieces. I love all the cards. I love the spinner and the dice. Everything is artistic, colorful, and very creative.”
Mia P.